Ladakh Rigjung Public School marked a momentous occasion today as it celebrated its Annual Result Day for the academic year 2022-23. The event, held on January 11, 2023, at the school premises in Choglamsar, Leh, was a resounding success with the enthusiastic participation of numerous parents.
The management and staff of Ladakh Rigjung Public School extend heartfelt gratitude to the parents for their overwhelming presence and active involvement in this significant event. The collective support and appreciation received were truly commendable, and the standing ovation from the audience served as a poignant acknowledgment of the school's continuous efforts to provide quality education.
The Annual Result Day was not only a platform to announce academic achievements but also a moment of joy and celebration. The school took the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the victories, both big and small, that students achieved throughout the year. The event also served as a platform to applaud the dedication and hard work of parents in nurturing their children's academic journey.
Ladakh Rigjung Public School takes immense pride in declaring a 100 percent success rate in the annual results, affirming the commitment to academic excellence. This remarkable achievement reflects the dedication of the school's administration, faculty, and the unwavering support of parents in shaping a bright future for the students.
The school management expresses gratitude once again to the parents, faculty, and students for making the Annual Result Day a memorable and successful event. Ladakh Rigjung Public School remains committed to providing quality education and fostering an environment that nurtures the holistic development of every student.